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Friday 30 June 2017

巧克力海綿蛋糕 戚風蛋糕 像棉花一樣柔軟 入口即化


(A) 蛋黃糊:
• 3個蛋黃 (大)
• 35克糖
• 25克玉米油
• 28克牛奶
• 1茶匙香草精
• 18克可可粉,過篩
• 45克低筋麵粉

(B) 蛋白霜:
• 3個蛋清 (大)
• 1/2茶匙檸檬汁
• 45克糖

• 準備6寸的蛋糕模,塗上黃油,然後將圓形紙放於中心粘貼固定。在盤內,均勻地,撒上一層麵粉,即成 。

• 建議使用烤箱溫度計,保證與配方的完美契合。烤箱先預熱至指定溫度130°C,才能符合食譜上的烘烤時間。烤箱預熱約需10分鐘,不足的話會未達到指定溫度。



3)將打發好的蛋白先舀三分之一出來,與巧克力麵糊混合均勻,而後再倒回盆中, 手法是從下往上翻拌。速度要均勻,不要畫圈,然後翻拌次數不要太多。過度翻拌,手法不對都會導致蛋白消泡。


5)冷水浴,放烤箱中層 130°C - 150°C 度,上下火烤60分鐘。烤好後,打開烤箱門, 冷卻至少10分鐘,直到烤箱溫度達到50℃。出爐後, 再摔兩下,才不會出現塌陷。蛋糕表層有裂縫,這是絕對正常的。如果追求完美不開裂的表面,用低温較長的烘烤時間100°C - 120°C度,上下火烤80分鐘。每個人的烤箱不一樣, 自己要調整。做好的蛋糕,表面撒上糖粉,用新鮮草莓裝飾。放冰箱保存時間最好不要超過2天。


Sunday 4 June 2017

Cocktail Buns Recipe | 港式雞尾包

These are the best cocktail buns I've tasted and the house smell like a bakery. I knead the dough by hand, but recently I have a neck pain and I can't always stand at the counter and knead the bread, so the bread machine is a life saver. This is my own and the quick way when you only need bread, It's soft and fluffy and it keeps the shape nicely. The coconut filling is not as hard to make as you might think. They are so yummy!


• 290g bread flour
• 40g cake flour
• 6g allinson yeast
• 240g cold milk
• 28g sugar

•  1 tbsp olive oil 

Makes 18
---35g each dough---

Makes 24
---25g each dough---

Coconut filling:
• 2 egg yolks 
• 50g granulated sugar 
• 40g salted butter ( at room temperature)
• 60g desiccated coconut

Mix all ingredients together in a bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

For the toppings
• 40g soften butter
• 20g sugar
• 35g cake flour 
• sesame seeds for sprinkling on top

To make the topping, mix all the ingredients together until a soft paste is formed. Spoon the paste into a piping bag and snip off one corner. 

For the glaze:
• egg wash ( 1 whole egg beaten with 1 tbsp cold water)

Mix well and ready to use

1) Place the (A) ingredients, bread flour, cake flour, yeast, cold milk and sugar into the bread pan. close the lid gently.

2) Press the MENU button until desired program ''raw dough'' is selected. so that the machine does all the mixing and kneading. Once the process has been completed ''stir 1'', open the lid, add 1 tbsp olive oil to the bread pan, and continue ''stir 2'' until beeps will signal.

3) Press the MENU button until you reach ''ferment''. The bread maker will allow your dough to rise for 30 minutes giving the dough more depth flavor or until beep to signal and then you take it out of the machine. 

4) Turn the dough out onto a floured surface, punch down the dough. Cut each piece 35g, into 18 pieces total. Scoop a teaspoon of filling onto the centre. Pull and pinch the edges of the dough together. Repeat with the remaining dough and place on the baking tray.

5) Rise in the oven with boiled water on the underneath for 30 minutes to 1 hour until double or triple in sized.

6) Lightly brush the buns with beaten egg. To make the topping, mix all the ingredients together until a soft paste is formed. Spoon the paste into a piping bag and snip off one corner and pipe two lines and sprinkle some sesame seeds. 

7) Baked in pre-heated oven at 150°c for about 25 minutes or until golden brown. (Baking time depends on the size and shape of the bread being baked).

Helpful Tips:
1) Yeast is best stored in the refrigerator, as the fungud in it will be killed at high temperatures. Before using yeast check the production date and storage life of your yeast. Refrigerate it as soon as possible after each use. The main cause of bread failling to rise is bad yeast.
2) You still can use the same recipe and knead by hand or stand mixer instead.
3) This buns will keep in an airtight container for 2 days at room temperature or up to 1 month in the freezer. 

Recipe Source: Josephine's Recipes